130 research outputs found

    Desenvolvimento de um veículo inovador para armazéns automáticos

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    Intralogistics is increasingly a matter of research and development as a form of optimization, automation, integration and management of the flow of materials and information that circulate within a business unit. With a strong connection to material handling equipment and automation solutions, intralogistics has proved to be one of the main factors responsible for something that is already happening: a fourth industrial revolution where it is possible to convert warehouses and manufacturing units into intelligent environments where the entire process can be controlled and supervised through a single system. It became necessary to develop more and more innovative and efficient solutions to the constant diversity of challenges proposed by the market. In this sense, it was proposed to develop something innovative within the area of Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems (AS/RS), a technology increasingly sought after by today's manufacturing plants. As such, the goal was to improve the most emergent AS/RS in recent years: the Pallet/Box Shuttle AS/RS. In order to achieve the proposed objective, it was necessary to analyze all the existing solutions in the market and, principally, to find the main points to be improved and the direction to follow in order to innovate an already advanced solution. The results show a robotized solution where it was possible to increase the automation of the operations in the storage systems and improve the responsiveness of the system, taking this solution to a new level.A intralogística é cada vez mais uma área de investigação e desenvolvimento como uma forma de otimização, automação, integração e gestão do fluxo de materiais e informações que circulam dentro de uma unidade de negócios. Com uma forte ligação com equipamentos de manipulação de materiais e soluções de automação, a intralogística provou ser um dos principais fatores responsáveis por algo que já está a acontecer: uma quarta revolução industrial, onde é possível converter armazéns e unidades fabris em ambientes inteligentes, onde todo o processo pode ser controlado e supervisionado através de um único sistema. Tornou-se necessário desenvolver soluções cada vez mais inovadoras e eficientes para a constante diversidade de desafios propostos pelo mercado. Nesse sentido, propôs-se desenvolver algo inovador dentro da área dos Armazéns Automáticos, uma solução cada vez mais procurada pelas unidades fabris de hoje. Como tal, estabeleceu-se o objetivo de melhorar o tipo de Armazém Automático mais emergente dos últimos anos: o Armazém Automático com Veículos Satélite para Caixas ou Paletes. Para alcançar o objetivo proposto, foi necessário analisar todas as soluções existentes no mercado e, principalmente, encontrar os principais pontos a serem aprimorados e definir a direção a seguir para se inovar uma solução já avançada. Os resultados obtidos apresentam uma solução robotizada onde foi possível aumentar a automatização das operações dos sistemas de armazenamento e melhorar a capacidade de resposta do sistema, levando esta solução para um novo patamar

    Cell death and its relationship to viral infections: What are the ways to fight viruses?

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    Cell death is a crucial process for maintaining homeostasis and the development of the organism. They are mainly characterized by apoptosis, necrosis and autophagy, being complex processes and essences for the immune system and balance of the human organism, especially when there are infectious agents such as viruses. Therefore, a bibliographic review was carried out seeking to deepen the knowledge of cell death applied to viruses, and its possible action against COVID-19, demonstrating the action and importance of understanding and understanding cell death pathways and applying their results as therapeutic targets. The results obtained showed the individual action of cell deaths against the virus in the immune system and emphasized the understanding of cell death pathways as fundamental for the development of drugs and therapies for viral control for already known viruses and for new viruses, such as Covid -19

    Computer Simulation Model for Outpatient Clinics in a Brazilian Large Public Hospital Specialized in Cardiology

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    Goal: the main objective of this study is to analyze the behavior of the outpatient department of a large public hospital specialized in cardiology, understanding how the components of this system are related, in order to improve the hospital’s performance. Design / Methodology / Approach: a case study was carried out in a public hospital specializing in cardiology with the aid of Modeling and Simulation of System Dynamics. Results: the result showed that variables such as doctor availability and average consultation time have great influence on the service capacity. Limitations of the investigation: the proceedings and times related to the medical staff are particular to each team and they are not standardized. However, in the system dynamics modeling these particularities cannot be included. Practical implications: for theory, there is the state-of-the-art development in terms of how to manage and regarding the methodologies should be applied in a complex referential model composed of several moderating variables, in order to obtain the best use of the available resources (human and material) of the hospital. For practice, the flow of patients in the hospital should be predicted and optimized, adding value to the services provided to its users. Originality / Value: the originality of the work is based on the unprecedented application of quantitative methods for solving problems in Brazilian hospitals

    Biosafety and action in front of COVID-19: What do we know?

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    The COVID-19 disease that affected the entire world in 2020 is caused by a virus (SARS-CoV-2) with a high rate of pathogenicity and transmission that caused several deaths in its trajectory. To combat this disease several personal hygiene measures and the use of personal protective equipment were necessary. In view of this, the study aims to clarify some doubts regarding the vaccine and its effectiveness, individual protection and the performance of health professionals in the face of this situation


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    It is necessary to know the characteristics of the landscape to identify the potential and vulnerability of the ecosystem, and based on this information, plan and manage the environment in order to conserve natural resources and promote sustainable development. Thus, the objective of this work was to analyze the hydrogeomorphometric characteristics and anthropogenic changes in the soil cover of the microbasin and riparian zone of the Tracajá river, using remote sensing and equations. The microbasin has area of ​​34.45 km2, perimeter of 37.29 km, elongated shape, altitudes of 207 to 496 m, predominance of smooth-wavy relief, 89.43% of the area with low influence on the propagation of fires and apt for extremely apt for agricultural mechanization, 4th order dendritic drainage pattern, unlikely probability of the river drying up during the dry season, medium density of drainage and springs, maintenance coefficient of 524.8 m2 m-1, rambling main channel and time of concentration of 3.08 h. In the period of 1984-2021, the areas of native forest were reduced from 66.21% to 23.34% in the microbasin and from 75.94% to 54.25% in the riparian zone. In the same period, there was an increase in agricultural areas, reaching 73.47% of the microbasin and 42.92% of the riparian zone in 2021. The advance of agriculture on the riparian zone confirms the need to recompose the vegetation native, to conserve the quality of water resources and favor the sustainable development of the region.Es necesario conocer las características del paisaje para identificar las potencialidades y vulnerabilidad del ecosistema, y en base a esta información, realizar una planificación y gestión ambiental, con el fin de conservar los recursos naturales y favorecer el desarrollo sostenible. Así, el objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar las características hidrogeomorfométricas y los cambios antropogénicos en la cobertura edáfica de la cuenca hidrográfica y zona ribereña del río Tracajá. Los datos se obtuvieron a través de teledetección y ecuaciones. La cuenca tiene un área de 34,45 km2, un perímetro de 37,29 km, forma alargada, altitudes de 207 a 496 m, predominio de relieve ondulado liso, 89,43% del área con baja influencia en la propagación de incendios y apta para extremadamente adecuada para la mecanización agrícola, patrón de drenaje dendrítico de 4º orden, poco probable que el río se seque durante la stitución, drenaje medio y densidad de muelles, coeficiente de mantenimiento de 524,8 m2 m-1, divagación del canal principal y tiempo de concentración de 3,08 h. En el período de 37 años (1984-2021), las áreas de bosque nativo se redujeron de 66.21% a 23.34% en la cuenca y de 75.94% a 54.25% en la zona ribereña. En el mismo periodo se encontró el crecimiento de las áreas agrícolas, alcanzando el 73,47% de la cuenca y el 42,92% de la zona ribereña en 2021. El avance de la agricultura sobre la zona ribereña confirma la necesidad de recomposición de la vegetación nativa, con el fin de conservar.É necessário conhecer as características da paisagem para se identificar as potencialidades e vulnerabilidade do ecossistema, e com base nessas informações, fazer o planejamento e a gestão ambiental, a fim de conservar os recursos naturais e favorecer o desenvolvimento sustentável. Assim, objetivou-se com este trabalho analisar as características hidrogeomorfométricas e alterações antropogênicas na cobertura do solo da microbacia e zona ripária do rio Tracajá. Os dados foram obtidos por meio de sensoriamento remoto e equações. A microbacia tem área de 34,45 km2, perímetro de 37,29 km, forma alongada, altitudes de 207 a 496 m, predominância de relevo suave ondulado, 89,43% da área com baixa influência na propagação de incêndios e apta a extremamente apta à mecanização agrícola, padrão de drenagem dendrítico de 4ª ordem, improvável probabilidade do rio secar durante a estiagem, média densidade de drenagem e de nascentes, coeficiente de manutenção de 524,8 m2 m-1, canal principal divagante e tempo de concentração de 3,08 h. No período de 37 anos (1984-2021), as áreas de floresta nativa foram reduzidas de 66,21% para 23,34% na microbacia e de 75,94% para 54,25% na zona ripária. No mesmo período constatou-se o crescimento das áreas de agropecuária, chegando a ocupar 73,47% da microbacia e 42,92% da zona ripária no ano de 2021. O avanço da agropecuária sobre a zona ripária confirma a necessidade de recomposição da vegetação nativa, para conservar a qualidade dos recursos hídricos e favorecer o desenvolvimento sustentável da região

    Dopplerfluxometria das artérias intra-renais em cutias (Dasyprocta prymnolopha, Wagler 1831)

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    A técnica de dopplerfluxometria é importante para aferir a hemodinâmica renal, auxiliando no diagnóstico e prognóstico de problemas renais, todavia estudos com animais silvestres ainda são escassos. Assim sendo, é de extrema importância o desenvolvimento de estudos com o intuito de estabelecer valores de referências normais nas diferentes espécies, uma vez que esses dados servirão como base para a compreensão da anatomia e fisiologia, bem como, diagnóstico de doenças na clínica veterinária. Neste sentido, este trabalho teve como objetivo obter dados dos aspectos ultrassonográficos renais normais em cutias (Dasyprocta prymnolopha, Wagler 1831). Para avaliação da morfometria ultrassonográfica utilizou-se oito cutias, nas quais foram avaliados o comprimento e largura dos rins direito e esquerdo. Para avaliação da dopplerfluxometria foram utilizadas 11 cutias, sendo analisadas as velocidades do pico sistólico máximo (VPS) e diastólico final (VDF) do fluxo sanguíneo (cm/s) e do índice de resistividade (IR) das artérias arqueadas dos rins direito e esquerdo. Os valores médios do comprimento e largura em centímetros do rim direito e esquerdo variaram entre 3,05 ± 0,13 a 1,84 ± 0,12 e 3,04 ± 0,19 a 1,91 ± 0,10, respectivamente. O valor médio observado para o índice de resistividade na artéria arqueada dos rins direito e esquerdo foram 0,41 ± 0,06 e 0,39 ± 0,05 cm/s, respectivamente. O índice de resistividade foi inferior aos observados em outras espécies de animais domésticos e até mesmo de humanos

    Neurological changes post-covid-19 infection: signs and symptoms that remain

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    Since 2019, humanity has faced the pandemic outbreak of COVID-19 disease, caused by the new coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2. Respiratory symptoms of the disease were investigated and monitored worldwide, however, the nervous system lesions induced by COVID-19 did not receive as much attention. The aim of this study was to highlight the neurological alterations after infection of the new coronavirus, thus highlighting the symptoms that remained after Infection by SARS-CoV-2. The review shows relevant data on drugs and SARS-CoV-2, neurological alterations, complications and adverse effects related to COVID-19. At the time of writing this article, in mid-2022, SARS-CoV-2 is still spreading in several countries and infecting the population, leaving many people with temporary or permanent sequelae because of COVID-19

    The Eucalyptus Cuticular Waxes Contribute in Preformed Defense Against Austropuccinia psidii

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    Austropuccinia psidii, the causal agent of myrtle rust, is a biotrophic pathogen whose growth and development depends on the host tissues. The uredospores of A. psidii infect Eucalyptus by engaging in close contact with the host surface and interacting with the leaf cuticle that provides important chemical and physical signals to trigger the infection process. In this study, the cuticular waxes of Eucalyptus spp. were analyzed to determine their composition or structure and correlation with susceptibility/resistance to A. psidii. Twenty-one Eucalyptus spp. in the field were classified as resistant or susceptible. The resistance/susceptibility level of six Eucalyptus spp. were validated in controlled conditions using qPCR, revealing that the pathogen can germinate on the eucalyptus surface of some species without multiplying in the host. CG-TOF-MS analysis detected 26 compounds in the Eucalyptus spp. cuticle and led to the discovery of the role of hexadecanoic acid in the susceptibility of Eucalyptus grandis and Eucalyptus phaeotricha to A. psidii. We characterized the epicuticular wax morphology of the six previously selected Eucalyptus spp. using scanning electron microscopy and observed different behavior in A. psidii germination during host infection. It was found a correlation of epicuticular morphology on the resistance to A. psidii. However, in this study, we provide the first report of considerable interspecific variation in Eucalyptus spp. on the susceptibility to A. psidii and its correlation with cuticular waxes chemical compounds that seem to play a synergistic role as a preformed defense mechanism